Author/Editor     Ramovš, J; Jakopič, J; Polajner, B
Title     Indikatorji za redno epidemiološko spremljanje alkoholizma v Sloveniji
Translated title     Indicators for regular epidemiologic monitoring of alcoholism in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 10,11,12
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 247-54
Language     slo
Abstract     The research study Indicatorsc for regular epidemiologic monitoring of alcoholism in Slovenia intrduces model of epidemiologic monitoring of alcoholism in Slovenia, acording to the indicators of the regular national statistics. These indicators are those medical, criminologic-legal, social and economic phenomena, that are essentialy connected to the drinking of alcohol and alcoholism, and are thereby galhered by regular national statistics. Besides that, the research study introduces etnographic indicators into the public opinion research. The present model will show the course of the alcohol problematics in Slovenia and will enable significant planning and evaluation of sample and field epidemiologic research studies of a alcoholism for these a priority selection is suggested. A complementary combination of sample and field epidemiologic research studies will show, along with the consideration of the global data, the integral picture of alcohol problematics in Slovenia.
Descriptors     ALCOHOLISM