Author/Editor     Jemec, Anita; Drobne, Damjana; Tišler, Tatjana; Trebše, Polonca; Roš, Milenko; Sepčić, Kristina
Title     The applicability of acetylcholinesterase and glutathione S-transferase in Daphnia magna toxicity test
Type     članek
Source     Comp Biochem Physiol, Part C, Toxicol Pharmacol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 144
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 303-309
Language     eng
Abstract     The most commonly used toxicity test worldwide is the acute Daphnia magna test. The relevance of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity in D. magna exposed to chromium, cadmium, and diazinon was evaluated in connection with this standard test. We found no link between enzyme activities and immobility. Concentrations of Cr6+ un to 280 microg/L had no effect on AChE and GST activities, wliile 20% immobility was observed. At concentrations of 20 -25 microg/L of Cd2+ AChE activity was increased by about 50%. The effect of diazinon on both enzymes was insigniticant up to concentrations that caused 27% immobility. Consequently, vvhile the use of AChE and GST activities is recommended when the mode of action of chemicals is studied, the value of these biomarkers in routine acute toxicity tests is limited because the relationship between enzyme activities and immobility of D. magna exposed to different chemicals is unclear.