Author/Editor     Glavnik, Vesna
Title     Imunski odziv na cepljenje
Translated title     Immune response and vaccination
Type     članek
Source     In: Gregorič A, editor. Metabolični sindrom pri otrocih, sodobni način življenja in imunski odziv pri otrocih, racionalna uporaba zdravil v pediatriji. Zbornik 17. srečanje pediatrov v Mariboru in 4. srečanje medicinskih sester; 2007 apr 13-14; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 129-32
Language     slo
Abstract     Immunisation with attenuated microbes or their metabolites, that cannot cause the disease by themselves, can stimulate immune system for effective defence against microbes. Attenuated microbes are recognised by immune system, which can effectively eliminate or destroy them. The remaining memory cells can triger strong secondary imune response upon exposure to wild microbes, which prevents the infection. Immunisation is the most effective way of infection prevention.