Author/Editor     Ribičič, V; Končnik-Goršič, N
Title     Kako so starši zaznali otrokove reakcije na vojno - analiza vprašalnika za starše
Translated title     The parent's perception of their child's reactions to war events
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 31, št. 7,8,9
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 196-202
Language     slo
Abstract     The inquiry form for parents was used three months after the war in 167 parents o children aged 7 to l4 years. It contains the list of stress symptoms grounded on the description of PSS (DSM 1//). Parents were asked to describe the observation o children's momentary reactions to the war and of the symptoms, observed within three months after the war. Results show, that three quarters of the children showed fear, almost half of them changed the patterns of games and one third had sleep disturbances. There were more problems in children from places which were more exposed to the war. After three months, one fifth of children still showed fear and changes in activities. More problems remained in higher exposed places and where the children responded more intensively already during the war.
Descriptors     COMBAT DISORDERS