Author/Editor     Šuškovič, Stanislav
Title     Obravnava bolnika z astmo in alergijskim rinitisom
Translated title     Management of asthma with alergic rhinitis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 46, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 19-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Asthma and chronic rhinitis quite often coexist. It is not fully appreciated in everyday practice that many patients with asthma are not properly diagnosed with rhinitis and vice versa, i. e. a substantial proportion of patients with chronic rhinitis (along with their doctors) do not know about coexisting asthma. The management of both diseases differs markedly from the management of isolated rhinitis or asthma. Both diseases can be efficiently treated with antileukotrienes. Inhaled glucocorticoids can only be administered to nose and to lungs with different devices, which can negatively affect adherence to treatment. Patients with persistent allergic rhinitis should be evaluated for asthma by using a special questionnaire. All patients with asthma should also be appropriately evaluated (history and physical examination) for rhinitis. The algorithm proposed in the article should be used to treat upper and lower airway diseases.
Summary     Astma ter občasni ali trajni alergijski rinitis sta nadvse pogosta sopotnika. Tega se premalo zavedamo, kajti velik delež bolnikov z astmo ima neodkrit rinitis in prav tako je veliko bolnikov z rinitisom, ki nimajo odkrite astme. Zdravljenje obeh bolezni je drugačno od zdravljenja posameznih bolezni. Z antilevkotrieni sočasno zdravimo rinitis in astmo, z vdihanimi glukokortikoidi pa je treba posebej zdraviti rinitis in astmo, kar utegne zmanjšati zavzetost za zdravljenje. Predlagano je, da se pri bolnikih z astmo s pomočjo posebnih vprašanj razkriva sočasni rinitis in pri bolnikih z rinitisom s pomočjo posebnih vprašanj razkriva sočasno astmo. Sočasni rinitis in astmo naj se zdravi po predlaganem algoritmu.
Descriptors     ASTHMA