Author/Editor     Šašek-Vilhar, C; Ogrin, R
Title     Povezovanje baze podatkov o pacientih z zunanjimi podatkovnimi zbirkami in vključitev v enovit poslovno informacijski sistem Kliničnega centra Ljubljana
Translated title     Integration of patient data with external data bases and inclusion into the business information system of UMC
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 113-20
Language     slo
Abstract     In 1982 we began building a PATIENT DATA BASE for the University Medical Centre Ljubljana (UMC). For computerized recording of admissions the internal personal registration number was used as the basic patient identification. The HEALTH SERVICE USERS (HSU) data base, an external base developed subsequently for the Ljubljana region, is organized according to unique identification with the personal identity number (PIN) used in the population register Therefore, with the assistance of the Statistical Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, we transformed the internal registration number in the existing patient data base into PIN nnd reorganized the data base to allow connection to the HSU data base. Also the BUSINESS PARTNERS data base was reorganized and linked via the PATIENT DATA BASE to the national data base on EMPLOYERS LIABLE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE PAYMENTS. The patient data base is linked to data bases on SERVICES rendered to individual patients, and to various local data bases providing specific information on patient treatment With the patient location deined within the organizational structure of the UMC, data on individual patients are, through information on accounts and payments of specific business partners - buyers, integrated into business reports at various levels of the organizational structure. Furthermore, the processing of data on the relations with business partners - suppliers provides insight into data on suppliers. The PATIENTDATA BASE represents the central element of the integrated business inof the UMC and recording patient treatment. formation systems ofthe UMC. As such it forms the basis for following business operation