Author/Editor     Šorli, J; Kolar, R; Vengust, T; Kejžar, B; Jekovec, T
Title     His Medo
Translated title     Implementing medical information system
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 129-32
Language     slo
Abstract     This paper discusses the objectives a development of a Medical information system (RHIS). The goal to achieve is to build a tool on computer to support the physicians at their medical and research work, diagnosting and their work with students, including standard functions of health care and nursing information system with gateway to existing financial and management software. Main functions of RHIS are: (1) communication, (2) medical record, (3) administrative, (4) decission support, (5) quality assurance, (6) process management, (7) bussines management. Paper discusses design and implententation of the system. The first implentation is going to be at the University Institute for lung diseases at Golnik in Slovenia. The development began in May 1991 and the first phase of the project is then in coding phase. Analysis and design was supported by Yourdon case tool ADT. Software is written in Ingres 4GL. The central data reside on a HP computer with Unix operating sistem and Ingres data base. Users are attached to the computer via HP terminals and via Ethernet (TCP/IP) network. Client/server technolgy is used to connect PC based workstations with central computer. Beta version will be available in January 1991.