Avtor/Urednik     Krečić-Stres, H; Krkovič, M; Koder, J; Maličev, E; Drobnič, M; Marolt, D; Kregar-Velikonja, N
Naslov     Mesenchymal stem cells: a modern approach to treat long bones defects
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kramar P, Zupanič A, Jarm T, editors. Medicon 2007. IFMBE proceedings from the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological enginering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana. New York: Springer,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 253-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Human bone marrow contains a population of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) capable of forming several types of mesenchymal tissues, including bone and cartilage. BMSC can be isolated, purified and expanded in cell cultures in order to be subsequently implanted in vivo to facilitate bone healing. Our study was designed to a) develop autologous bone tissue constructs ex vivo - by seeding BMSC derived osteoblasts on calcium-triphosphate scaffolds, b) to apply these constructs in patients with a defect of a long bone, and c) to evaluate the healing process. Twenty patients are planed to be involved in the present clinical trial in which the efficiency of psevdoartrosis treatment by tissue engineered bone grafts will be evaluated. One patient was treated according to the study protocol, and the first results are encouraging.
Deskriptorji     BONE SUBSTITUTES