Avtor/Urednik     Brus, A
Naslov     Razvojna politika varovanja računalniško podprtega informacijskega sistema v zdravstvu
Prevedeni naslov     Development policy for protection of computer-aided information system in health services
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Leto izdaje     1992
Obseg     str. 213-225
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     A policy for the protection of computer-aided information systems (CAIS) is one ofthe most important issues which enable the safe operating of the information system. Whether the systems involved are large or small is not relevant, only that we are dealing with an nutomatic process with a computerized data exchange (CAIS). Regardless of the particular system, at issue is the safety of the system and the protection of the data used in theprocess. The formulation of a protectionpolicyfor CAIS involves the gradual implementation developments in C AISprotection, together with a definition ofcontents and the adoption of anticipated measuresfor the reduction of risk, in the process of data protection, against loss, damage, malpractice or non-availability. A policy for protection of the CAIS must be a component of the strategy of information system development and organization of work in the institution. It must beprepared and carried out by the management who must also take responsibility for it. The contents ofthe development policy of the CAIS protection are based on an analysis of the situation and threats to the system. A well-formed policy has to be adopted and documented, clearly defining in the responsibility for those tasks which are actually assigned to particular people. They must be well aware of all the responsibilities and consequences which may follow if the protection policy is not carried out as it should be.
Deskriptorji     COMPUTER SECURITY