Author/Editor     Sitkery, I
Title     Management information demands of the changing health care systems
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 247-55
Language     eng
Abstract     In the traditional patient - doctor relation the need for special medical information has been determinant. This pattern has changed during the last decades when the whole population has become the consumer of health care. The consequent government involvement has generated information demands for health policy. Parallel, the provider side has become institutionalized. Health systems have developed in which the social and the health services and institutes, the insurance, the special interest groups, the health industry, etc. request special managerial information. The traditional sources of medical informations have been the libraries. Now the challenge is to turn the medical libraries into health information centers capable to compty with the needs of modern health systems. This task is especially difficult in those countries where management was kept down by an autocratic govemment and the need of change manifested itself abruptly.