Author/Editor     Gaspari, I
Title     Baza podatkov o izvajalcih zdravstvene dejavnosti
Translated title     Human resources database in health care
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 341-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Within the framework of the introduction of a complete health in formation system, the Republic of Slovenia will introduce a new methodology and organization of data gathering with respect to the organization of health system, their personnel as a constituent part of the Slovenian health centers and else where and the professional training and education of personnel. In 1992 we are only in the implementation phase of the project. The establishment of a base is bein carried out with the data, sent by health centers and other institutions on forms or discs, to the regional institutions for social medicine and hygiene. All the data is then entered into a national database. The project anticipates that the gathering of the data will cover all the needs for information of all the institutions in the republic, and wishes to provide the statistics and possibilities of implementation of various analyses for particular organizational regions and a comparison between them. This will enable a continuous flow of information about the potential and abilities of the Slovenian health services, which is the basis for the formation of a system of health security which will best serve the people.
Descriptors     DATABASES, FACTUAL