Author/Editor     Sušelj, M; Lasič, D; Svenšek, R; Zevnik, M
Title     Informacijska dejavnost Zavoda za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
Translated title     The Republic of Slovenia Health care agency information system
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 353-64
Language     slo
Abstract     When the new health care legislation passed in february 1992 established the the agency inherited from its predecessor (the Republic Health Care Administration) a rather poorly developed information system. Some districts of Slovenia had their own information (computing) centers, with differing legal statuses and with disparate hardware and software. Some of the districts were processing their data manually, having no information centers at all. The legislation establishing the HIA endowed it with new and heavy responsibilities which the Agency will not be able to meet without a highly developed and well functioning information system. Therefore one of the first goals of the new Agency was (and is) to set up such a system. The HIA covers 2,200,000 insurees, employed with about 200,000 companies, has contracted about 300 health clinics, and will contract an (expected) major number of private practitioners. In the information system all these act as subjects exchanging information flows, and must be represented adequately. Therefore the information system must be widely distributed across the whole of Slovenia, and yet uniform. The uniformity will be safe guarded through the HIA central Information center, initiating common development projects, and enforcingcommon standards,protocols, code-books. Distributed computing power will be managed by the district Information Centers. The HIA information system can still be considered an integral part of the whole health care information system, yet not so much as in the past any more. The new HIA is a (relatively) independent government agency, and in defining its links with the health care providers it must pursue its own interests. The authors will show you how the HIA's information activities will get organized, and how (where and when) its information system could be linked to the health care providers' information systems.(trunc.)