Avtor/Urednik | Hren, M; Mak, R | |
Naslov | Diagnostični postopki pri bolniku z alergijo | |
Prevedeni naslov | Diagnostic procedures in a patient with allergy | |
Tip | članek | |
Vir | Slov Pediatr | |
Vol. in št. | Letnik 14, št. 2 | |
Leto izdaje | 2007 | |
Obseg | str. 80-5 | |
Jezik | slo | |
Abstrakt | The purpose of diagnostic procedures is to identify allergens that are causatively linked to the appearance of allergic diseases in children. The cause of the problems can be best recognised by taking a detailed history and carrying out a comprehensive clinical examination. Skin tests, laboratory tests and provocation tests help to establish if the disease symptoms are allergy related and to identify the causative allergens. The doctor decides which diagnostic procedure will be performed in the child and is responsible for the interpretation of the results. The nursing sister carries out the diagnostic procedures. The child's further allergy treatment depends on the accuracy and correctness of the diagnostic procedure. To ensure the correctness of the procedure itself the nursing sister must be well acquainted with test units, their correct usage, testing techniques, rules of correct blood taking and protocols for provocation tests. In addition, she must be able to explain the procedure to the child in the simplest and most understandable way and attempt to win his or her trust. She must also have enough experience, knowledge and skill to be able to react quickly and correctly in the event of complications. A nursing sister's work must be accurate, and in agreement with and coordinated with the doctor, who interprets the test results. | |
Izvleček | Z dinagnostičnimi postopki imamo namen dokazati alergene, ki so vzročno povezani s pojavom alergijskih bolezni pri otroku. Vzrok težav najbolje prepoznamo z natančno anamnezo in obsežnim kliničnim pregledom. Kožni testi, laboratorijske preiskave in provokacijski testi pa pomagajo ugotoviti, ali so znaki bolezni povezani z alergijo in kateri alergeni so tej vzrok. Zdravnik odloči, kateri diagnostični postopek se bo izvedel pri otroku in je odgovoren za interpretacijo rezultatov. Medicinska sestra pa je izvajalec diagnostičnih postopkov. Od pravilnosti izvedbe je odvisna nadaljnja obravnava otrok z alergijo. Da bo postopek pravilno izveden, mora medicinska sestra dobro poznati testne mote, njihovo pravilno uporabo, poznati mora tehnike testiranja, pravila pravilnega odvzema krvi in protokole provokacijskih testov. Poleg tega mora otroku znati na čim bolj enostaven in razumljiv način razložiti, postopek in si skušamo pridobiti njegovo zaupanje. Imeti pa mora tudi dovolj izkušen in znanj ter mora biti usposobljena, da zna ob morebitnih zapletih hitro in pravilno ukrepati. Delo medicinske sestre mora biti natančno, dogovorjeno in usklajeno z zdravnikom, ki rezultate testov interpretira. | |