Author/Editor     Karba, R; Vodovnik, L; Gubina, M
Title     Električni tok kot modiator bakterijske rasti in občutljivosti na antibiotike
Translated title     Electric current as a mediator of bacterial growth and susceptibility to antibiotics
Type     članek
Source     In: 35. jugoslovenska konferencija ETAN-a, Ohrid 1991. Beograd: Jugoslovenski savez za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, automatizaciju i nuklearnu tehniku,
Publication year     1991
Volume     str. 19-26
Language     slo
Abstract     In clinical studies using electric stimulntion in management of wounds, in addition to anhanced healing often also antimicrobial effect of the electric currcnt was observed. How does electric current which in bein used for stimulation of wound healing, affect patoghenic wound-infecting microbes? In order to find an answer to this question, zn vitro study was performed. By setting up the trials we made an attempt to approach the conditions in the wounds as much as possible in order to enable infering of the results to in vivo conditions (wounds). Changes in bacterial growth and antibiotics susceptibility due to electric current were studied. The electric currents were conducted using two experimental systems: Pt-Ir electrodes directly immersed into the culture medium (agar) and over agar bridges which revented the electrochemical reaction at the metal electrodes to influence bacterial growth. Alternating current had no effect on microbes irrespective of the system used. Weak constant current induces at the metal electrodes reactions in the agar, which are lethal for microbes. The inhibitory action is proportional to the magnitude and application timc of the electric current. Nevertheless, no effect could be observed with the same current the experimental system with agar brid es. Thus it was interesting to note incr susceptibility of the tested bacteria to antibiotics due to application of the constant current which shows on their synergistic action.
Descriptors     BACTERIA