Author/Editor     Predin, Š
Title     Zgodovina mariborskih lekarn v letih 1850-1950
Translated title     The history of pharmacies in Maribor in the 1850-1950 period
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 2
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 167-79
Language     slo
Abstract     The article offers a description of two old pharmacies in Maribor - Lekarna pri Orlu and Lekarna pri Zamorcu. It covers the period from 1850 up to the time they were closed down or moved to another location, respectivelly. The topic has been extensively investigated mainly on the base of the locally available sources. The text and contents are original. The author gives a careful and detailed treatment of the work and biographical background of Alojzij Benkovič, a man of letters and translator, and the pharmacist Ciril Maver. Further, a great part of attention is devoted to the inconsiderate decision to close the oldest pharmacy in Maribor, depriving in this way the town of an important cultural and historical monument.