Avtor/Urednik     Novak, D; Maček-Lebar, A; Rudel, D; Jarm, T
Naslov     Detection of contractions during labour using the uterine electromyogram
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kramar P, Zupanič A, Jarm T, editors. Medicon 2007. IFMBE proceedings from the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological enginering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana. New York: Springer,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 148-51
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     This paper describes two simile algorithms for detection of uterine contractions during labour using the uterine electromyogram recorded from the abdominal surface. The location of a contraction is extracted from the signal's energy using either an amplitude- or derivative-based algorithm. For our recordings, these algorithms managed to correctly locate the majority of contractions, with an average success race of 87.4% for the derivative-based algorithm and 85.6% for the amplitude-based algorithm.