Author/Editor     Ravnik-Oblak, M; Oblak, C; Vodušek, DB; Kristl, V; Ziherl, S
Title     Intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 in impotent diabetic men
Type     članek
Source     Int J Impot Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 2, št. 3
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 143-50
Language     eng
Abstract     The prevalence of erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients is high (approximately 50 per cent . The aim of our study was to find the efficiency of intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1. 41 diabetic patients with organic impotence received 20 micro g of prostaglandin E1. In 29 patients (70.8 per cent ) the result was positive (full erection lasted at least 30 min). In the remaining patients only tumescence was achieved. 24.4 per cent of patients reported slight pain during injection or erection. There were no systemic side-effects. Patients with positive test were selected for autoinjection. They injected 10-40 micro g of prostaglandin E1. The erection lasted 0.5-3 h. 14.6 per cent of patients reported ecchymoses and/or haematomas which resolved without consequences. After 1-12 months of therapy no scarring of the cavernous tissue was apparent in any one of the patients. In conclusion, prostaglandin E1 is an effective and safe substance for diagnostics and therapy of impotence in diabetic patients.