Author/Editor     Pečan, M
Title     Anestetiki v zraku operacijskih prostorov
Translated title     Anaesthetics in the air of operating theatres
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Obz
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 5-6
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 261-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Nitrous oxide and volatile anaesthetics are dispersed into the air of operating theatres through untight connections in high and low pressure anaesthesia system. Maximum allowed concentrations are prescribed (MAC). Good ventilation and scavenging of the sources lessen pollution. In the article, cases in which the pollution of air in operating theatres highly exceeds MAC, are described. Temporary disconnection of anaesthesia system during anaesthesia, anaesthesia in children, inhalation anaesthesia in badly ventilated examination rooms, endotracheal anaesthesia with an untight sac in the trachea and a patient in a recovery room are illustrated in graphs, presenting the measurements of nitrous oxide in defined time periods. Localities where high-pressure anaesthesia system often leaks are presented. The measurement are taken from literature. The possible health hazards for personnel, deriving from the pollution with anaesthetics have been known for several decades. During the last twenty years, low concentrations of anaesthetics can be also measured. In experimental conditions, adverse concequences on growth and reproduction of animals have been assessed, depending on the concentration they were exposed to. The findings were also applied to humans and confirmed by questionnaries and epidemiological research. However, the results were not scientifically confirmed. It can therefore be stated that health hazard for people has not been proved; however, working conditions where there are anaesthetics in the air, are considered to be hazardous. The work in operating theatres is hazardous for the health also because the personnel is exposed to infections and because of specific working conditions. Preventive measures consists of an overall appreciation of regulation and the use of instruments for the monitoring of the maximum allowed level of anesthetics. Careful service of the devices is required as well.(trunc.)
Descriptors     OPERATING ROOMS