Author/Editor     Krstič, N
Title     Težave pri obvladovanju kajenja z aktivno cenovno politiko: slovenska pot v obdobju 1980-1991
Translated title     Problems in smoking control with active price policy: Slovene story 1980-1991
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Obz
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 5-6
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 329-46
Language     slo
Abstract     The production of cigarettes in Slovenia in the eighties is similar to that of the member states of the European Economic Communities. These data were changed to a certain degree because of the growth in the production in Easternparts of the former Yugoslavia. Except for the period from 1987 to 1991 the prices were lowering. In the mentioned period (1987-1991), an active model of tobacco tax and price policy was in use; it soon became evident that such a systemic regulation was incompatible with legislative and economic system of former state. Total collapse of the active model in the beginning of 1990 was provoked especially by the Serbian lobby's pressures on federal government. The collapse of this modern instrumentarium operating for the second decade in the developed countries became one of the antecedents of the chain of events of the dissolution of the former state. Our analysis revealed that the correlation coeficient between the selling of cigarettes and their prices is 0.5062; the central finding, however, is that the relevant health prevention goals can be pursued by tobacco in independent and sovereign Republic of Slovenia.