Avtor/Urednik     Erzin, R; Bajd, T; Kralj, A; Turk, R; Benko, H
Naslov     Sensory feedback in voluntary controlled FES assisted walking
Tip     članek
Vir     In: 4th Vienna international workshop on functional electrostimulation: basics, technology, clinical application: proceedings. Baden/Vienna: University of Vienna, Department of biomedical engineering and physics,
Leto izdaje     1992
Obseg     str. 116-9
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Paraplegic person can walk by the help of voluntaty control over a minimum of four channels of functional electrical s#mulation (FES), crutch support and visual feedback providing necessary information for taking appropriate control actions. Patient's preserved rudimentary sensing capabilities can be improved by introducing sensory feedback, by means of delivering adequate sensory information stimuli to the upper nonparalyzed body. Feedback information is related to two important decisions: d#ect the continuation into the next walking phase after successfully accomplishing the previous movement of the lower limb (reward) and warning for prevention of person from falling (warning). The sensory feedback system developed consists of lower limb transducers with processing devices providing appropriate input signals for personal computer and four channel hand-switch controlled stimulator. Patient's gait is recorded by lightweight strain gauge goniometers attached to the knees and foot-switches positioned under the toes and heels. Computer output is coupled to a two channel sensory stimulator providing electrotactile stimulation signal of 5 Hz (warning) or 50 Hz (reward). The lower limb sensory feedback was tested in three completely paralyzed spinal cord injured subjects.
Deskriptorji     PARAPLEGIA