Author/Editor     Kocijančič, Ksenija; Kocijančič, Igor; Kukovič, Aleš
Title     Slikovna diagnostika prsnih organov pri kritično bolnem: izvedba in vloga rentgenskega slikanja in CT preiskave pri ležečem bolniku
Translated title     Imaging diagnostics of thoracic organs used by patients with severe illness: implementation and role of x-ray imaging and CT scan by hospitalized patient
Type     članek
Source     Bilt DRI
Vol. and No.     Letnik 23, št. 1-2
Publication year     2006
Volume     str. 25-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Article comprises basic imaging methods of thoracic organs with movable x-ray device and particularities of thoracic CT imaging by patients with critical illness which the phsysician-radiologist chould be familiar with, to be able to cooperate with radiographer in imaging procedure. It is important that the final result (good image and useful diagnosis) is beneficial for the clinic as well as for the patient. There are special demands regarding interpretation of images i.e. besides the description of alterations in image it is as a rule required to express opinion on the clinician's questions.