Author/Editor     Rudel, D; Hojnik-Zupanc, I; Premik, M; Kogovšek, M; Žužek-Vabšek, F; Ličer, N
Title     Telekomunikacijski informacijsko-koordinacijski centri za pomoč na domu v Sloveniji
Translated title     Telecommunication and information control centers for community care of elderly population in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Premik M, ed. Kongres Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko z mednarodno udeležbo: zbornik prispevkov. Bled: Društvo medicinskih informatikov,
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 181-90
Language     slo
Abstract     Elderly, disabled and seek people should be assisted to remain living at their own homes for as long as possible - tjhis is the philosophy generally accepted in the social care for this population. Good community services organised and coordinated by community alarm system control centres have proved to be efficient in several western countries. Identical control centre with Tunstall telecom telecommunication equipment was founded in 1991 in Ljubljana. The system operates through the public telephone network and enables residents to call for help anytime and even if he/she is too incapacitated to reach a telephone. A specially designed telephone alarm unit is installed at the resident's home. It can be activated by pressing a button of a small body worn radio transmitter. With the aid of computerized information, control centre staff can identify on a visual display unit the personal details of the caller. In the event of an emergency he/she can receive immediate reassurance and help can be organised without delay. This places considerable power and control firmly in the hand of services users. Having adequate computerizes information on needs for help and services offering it, control centres can assist in designing comprehensive care arrangements. Several regional control centres are planned to be established in Slovenia. The multidisciplinary nature of the project requires experts different profiles to work together inclusive politicians on the local and governmental level. Although the initial and running costs for a control centre are not cheap, an alarm system can represent a considerable saving on residential care.