Author/Editor     Hudler, Petra
Title     The use of animals in biomedical research
Translated title     Uporaba laboratorijskih živali v biomedicinskih raziskavah
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 44, št. 3
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 55-62
Language     eng
Abstract     Throughout the history invertebrate and vertebrate models have been used in fundamental and goal-oriented scientific research to gain new information on cell and organ anatomy, mechanisms of the diseases and methods to prevent them, behavioral research, for production, development, testing of quality and safety of drugs, food, cosmetic and other products, and to answer scientific questions that would have been impossible to be gathered directly from humans. Although researchers are continually developing non-animal models, research on complex multigenic diseases and therapeutics testing sometimes require the use of in vivo models. It is generally recognized that in the absence of human data, animal research in many cases can offer most accurate approximations and predictions of human responses.
Descriptors     ETHICS, MEDICAL