Author/Editor     Dolenc, I
Title     Pomen mišičnih in živčnih dejavnikov pri uravnavanju acetilholinesteraze v mišicah med regeneracijo
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     1992
Volume     str. 51
Language     slo
Abstract     The regulation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in fast and slow muscles of the rat differs significantly causing large differences in the patterns of molecular forms of AChE. We assumed that intrinsic differences between the myogenig stem cells of slow and fast muscles might be responsible for those differences in addition to different firing patterns of motor nerves of these muscles. Muscle regeberation to a large extent mimics the ontogenic development from blast cells to mature musce fibers. We used muscle regeneration as a model for studying the influence of intrinsic factors in the myogenic stem cells from fast and slow muscles on regulation of AChE in developing muscles. The reneration of rat fast muscle extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow soleus (SOL) after ishaemic-toxic injury was studied. Experimenta procedure ensured that regeneration took place either in presence or absence of motor nerves or under conditions of muscle disuse. Innervation of regenerating slow muscle by the fast muscle nerve and vice versa (heterotopic regeneration) was achieved by muscle transplantation. Molecular forms of AChE were analysed by velocity sedimentation in the linear sucrose gradient. Significant differences were observed in regard to the patterns of AChE molecular forms between two week old noninnervated regenerating SOL and EDL muscles. Experimental disuse caused by tentomy or internal ommobilization of the leg exerted no significant influence on the patterns of AChE molecular forms in regenearting SOL muscle. In early period (6 weeks) of regeneration, comparison between regenerating SOL and EDL muscles innervated by its own motor nerves or by the opposite nerve revealed that the pattern of AChE molecular forms largely depended on the muscle of origin of the regenerate.(trunc.)