Avtor/Urednik     Maver, Tomaž; Burger, Helena; Ihan Hren, Nataša; Žužek, Andrej; Botolin, Luka; Weingartner, Jože
Naslov     Use of rapid prototyping technology in comprehensive rehabilitation of a patient with congenital facial deformity or partial finger or hand amputation
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kramar P, Zupanič A, Jarm T, editors. Medicon 2007. IFMBE proceedings from the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological enginering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana. New York: Springer,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 943-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Our experiences show that patients wish to replace the lost part of their body with a prosthesis - epithesis that is a mirror image of the relevant healthy part of the body. Four years ago we linked up with other institutions, companies and the University of Ljubljana in order to search for new more advanced technological possibilities to bring the form of epitheses closer to the form of a healthy hand or part of a face. A healthy and impaired part of the body were scanned. A digital virtual model was made by using a computer programme. 3D printing technology, DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) and SLS (Select Laser Sintering) technology were used to build up the first model or mould for manufacturing a silicone epithesis. Through our development project we have found the way for the high-resolution digitising of body parts and technology to produce a prototype model and mould allowing the fine recognition of skin details. By using CAD-CAM high resolution technology, the highest-quality prosthetic design can be achieved even when the prosthetist lacks artistic skills.