Avtor/Urednik     Burger, Helena; Brezovar, Darinka; Kotnik, Slavi; Bardorfer, Aleš; Munih, Marko
Naslov     Can haptic interface be used for evaluating upper limb prosthesis in children and adults
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Kramar P, Zupanič A, Jarm T, editors. Medicon 2007. IFMBE proceedings from the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological enginering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana. New York: Springer,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 965-8
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     There is a lack of objective measurement methods for assessing upper limb prosthetic use in adults and children. The aim of the present study was to find out whether haptic inteface could be used for that purpose. Fifty-five adults and twenty-three children were included into the study. All were tested by UNB observational test and haptic inteface, and they filled in one or two questionnaires. Haptic interface showed differences between hand and prostheses, the results depended on the age of a child or adult and correlated with the amputation level and the stump length. Correlations were also found among the results of haptic interface, UNB test and questionnaires. It was not demonstrated that the results of haptic interface depended on the time from amputation to fitting with the first prosthesis, or amputation of the dominant hand. It was not possible to test subjects after shoulder disarticulation or very high trans-humeral amputation. Haptic interface seems a promising tool for assessing upper limb prosthetic use in adults and children after trans-radial amputation.