Author/Editor     Ravnik, Mateja; Ribič, Helena; Grmek-Košnik, Irena
Title     Rezultati presejalnega testiranja na okužbo z bakterijo Chlamydia trachomatis pri srednješolcih na Gorenjskem
Translated title     Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the population of secondary school pupils in the Gorenjska region
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 46, št. 3
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 91-95
Language     slo
Abstract     Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the infection rate of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis in 16-20-year-old secondary school pupils in the Gorenjska region. Methods: Education on sexually transmitted diseases andtheir prevention was provided for students of the third and last year of secondary schools in Gorenjska as part of routine medical examination. In addition, the students were invited to participate in an anonymous survey on sexual behaviour and to take part in screening for urogenital chlamydial infection by providing a urine sample for the polymerase chain reaction test. Results: Of the 1,129 pupils invited, 1,000 participated in chlamydia testing.There were 448 girls and 552 boys (mean age 17 years). Infection was established in 2.0 % of the girls (95 % confidence interval: 1.1-3.8) and in none of the boys tested (95 % confidence interval: 0.0-0.7). Conclusions: The infection rate in the secondary school students tested is comparable to that reported for this population in other countries. The results of this survey will provide us with useful information needed to reach a decision on screening the Slovene population for chlamydial infection.
Summary     Namen: Ugotavljal se je delež okuženih z bakterijo Chlamydia trachomatis med 16-20 let starimi srednješolci na Gorenjskem. Metode: Dijaki tretjih oziroma zaključnih letnikov srednjih šol na Gorenjskem so bili v okviru rednih sistematskih pregledov deležni izobraževanja o spolno prenosljivih okužbah. Obtem so jih povabili k testiranju na okužbo z bakterijo C. trachomatis in k sodelovanju v anonimni anketi o spolnem vedenju. Testiranje so v vzorcu urina izvedli z metodo verižna reakcija s polimerazo (PCR). Rezultati: Med 1129 dijaki, ki so bili povabljeni v raziskavo, se je za testiranje na bakterijo C.trachomatis odločilo 1000 dijakov: 448 deklet in 552 fantov. Povprečna starost sodelujočih je bila pri dekletih in fantih 17 let. Rezultati testiranja vzorcev urina so pokazali, da sta z omenjeno bakterijo okužena 2,0 % (95-odstotni interval zaupanja 1,1-3,8) deklet. Med testiranimi fanti pa okužbe niso ugotovili (95-odstotni interval zaupanja 0,0-0,7). Zaključek: Delež okuženih srednješolcev je primerljiv z rezultati v drugih podobnih raziskavah. Rezultati so koristni pri odločanju o presejalnem testiranju prebivalstva na klamidijske okužbe.