Author/Editor     Zorko, Martin; Matoic, Branka; Burger, Helena
Title     Padci na oddelku za rehabilitacijo bolnikov po travmi, z revmatskimi obolenji in okvarami perifernega živčevja Inštituta Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo v letu 2006
Translated title     Falls at the department for rehabilitation of patients after bone fractures, with rheumatoid diseases and peripheral nerve lesions at The Institute for Rehabilitation, Republic of Slovenia, in 2006
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 6, št. 1
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 19-25
Language     slo
Abstract     Falls are one of the common geriatric problems threatening the independence of older persons. Most falls are associated with interaction of identifiable risk factors. The aim of our retrospective study was the assessment of risk factors and characteristics of patients who suffered a fall. We examined and analyzed medical documentation of all patients who suffered a fall at the department for rehabilitation of persons after bone fractures, with rheumatoid diseases and peripheral nerve lesions of Institute for Rehabilitation, Republic of Slovenia, in 2006. The results showed that 11.2% of patients fell. On average, those were older patients whose mobility was impaired, had transfer problems, impaired vision, combination of different diseases and were taking concomitantly 6.18 drugs daily. Detection and amelioration of risk factors can significantly reduce the rate of future falls. Other fall reduction methods include systematic exercise programmes, environmental inspection and improvement programmes.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTAL FALLS