Author/Editor     Osredkar, Š; Vrban, D
Title     Vrednotenje rezultatov zdravljenja urgentne urinske inkontinence z akutno maksimalno funkcionalno električno stimulacijo (AMFES)
Translated title     The evaluation of the results of the treatment of urgent urinary incontinence with acute maximum functional electro-stimulation (AMFES)
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Obz
Vol. and No.     Letnik 27, št. 3-4
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 131--9
Language     slo
Abstract     In the introduction of the article, the epidemiology of urinary incontinence in women is described. The fact that 13 per cent of all women in Slovenia have so severe incontinence that they need medical treatment is stressed. Among all the methods of treatment of urinary incontinence, electrical stimulation is more and more used (especially for the cases of urge incontinence) and it was therefore decided to perform a research study on the results of this treatment method. Short-term and long-term results of the treatment with acute maximum functional electrical stimulation (AMFES) were evaluated. In the study, 44 subjects participated in whom urinary incontinence was objectively and subjectively proven and they were subsequently treated by AMFES. Seven day following the therapy, shortterm results were evaluated in all subjects; in order to evaluate long-term results, questionnaires were sent to all the subjects six weeks following the therapy and they were invited to an additional check-up.