Author/Editor     Ribič, Helena; Dermota, Urška; Grmek-Košnik, Irena; Rus, Igor
Title     Občutljivost bakterij za antibiotike pri bolnikih Splošne bolnišnice Jesenice v obdobju od leta 2004 do 2006
Translated title     Antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria, isolated from patienmts treated at Jesenice general hospital in the period between 2004 and 2006
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 76, št. 11
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 685-94
Language     slo
Abstract     Background Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria is still one of the mayor problems in medicine. In the year 2006, microbiologists of the Institute of Public Health Kranj together with clinicians and pharmacist of Jesenice General Hospital prepared the programm of antimicrobial resistance surveillance of patients treated in the hospital. Some of the results are presented in this article. Methods In the retrospective study, bacterial strains, isolated from different samples were analysed. The strains were isolated and studied during the routine work of microbiology laboratory of IPH Kranj in the period between 2004 and 2006. Results The most frequently isolated bacteria from haemocultures was Escherichia coli (35.4%). In the years 2004 and 2006, susceptibility of strains for ciprofloxacin was 95.7% and 97.2%, for parenteral cefuroxime (95.7% and 94.4%), for cefotaxime and gentamicin in both years 100%. Susceptibility of E. coli strains from urine samples in patients from the department for internal medicine was in 2004 and 2006 for co-amoxiclav 88.5% and 70.1%, for co-trimoxazole 60.3% and 81.3%, for cefaclor 94.9% and 89.7%, for ciprofloxacin 83.3% and 82.2%. Among strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 100% were sensitive to vancomycin and 99.3% to linezolid in 2006. Among methicillin susceptible strains, sensitivity to erythromycin, clindamycin and ciprofloxacin lowered slightely in the three years period; in 2006 it was 87.6%, 90.6% and 89.1%. Susceptibility of strains Pseudomonas aeruginosa was in 2006 similar comparing to 2004; it was 92% for ceftazidime, 75% for gentamicin, 64.6% for ciprofloxacin and 96% for imipenem. Among strains of Acinetobacter spp., sensitivity rate to ciprofloxacin, ceftazidime, piperacillin with tazobactam and gentamicin significantly fell in the year 2005 and stayed low in 2006. Conclusions The results of antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance and rends of susceptibility are intended to guide actions for resistance containment.
Summary     Izhodišča Odpornost bakterij je še vedno eden največjih problemov v zdravstvu. V letu 2006 smo mikrobiologi Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo Kranj skupaj z zdravniki in farmacevtom Splošne bolnišnice Jesenice pripravili program spremljanja občutljivosti mikrobov pri bolnikih, obravnavanih v bolnišnici. V pričujočem prispevku prikazujemo del rezultatov tega programa. Metode V retrospektivni raziskavi smo obravnavali bakterijske seve, osamljene iz različnih kužnin. Seve smo v letih 2004 do 2006 osamili in raziskovali pri rednem delu mikrobiološkega laboratorija ZZV Kranj.Rezultati Iz hemokultur bolnikov smo najpogosteje osamili bakterijo Escherichia coli (35,4%), katere občutljivost je bila v letih 2004 in 2006 za ciprofloksacin 95,7% in 97,2%, za parenteralni cefuroksim 95,7% in 94,4% ter za cefotaksim in gentamicin v obeh letih 100%. Občutljivost sevov E. coli, osamljenih iz seča bolnikov internega oddelka, je bila v letih 2004 in 2006 za amoksicilin s klavulansko kislino 88,5% in 70,1%, za trimetoprim s sulfametoksazolom 60,3% in 81,3%, za cefaklor 94,9% in 89,7% ter za ciprofloksacin 83,3% in 82,2%. Občutljivost sevov Staphylococcus aureus je bila v letu 2006 za vankomicin 100% in za linezolid 99,3%. Med na meticilin občutljivimi sevi se je občutljivost za eritromicin, klindamicin in ciprofloksacin v triletnem obdobju nekoliko zmanjšala, leta 2006 je bila 87,6%, 90,6% in 89,1%. Občutljivost sevov Pseudomonas aeruginosa je bila v letu 2006 podobna kot leta 2004 in je za ceftazidim znašala 92%, za gentamicin 75%, za ciprofloksacin 64,6% in za imipenem 96%. Pri bakteriji Acinetobacter spp. smo v letu 2005 zabeležili pomembno zmanjšanje občutljivosti za ciprofloksacin, ceftazidim, piperacilin s tazobaktamom in gentamicin, kar se je nadaljevalo tudi v letu 2006. Zaključki Rezultati spremljanja občutljivosti bakterij in trendov občutljivosti bodo izhodišče za načrtovanje ukrepov za obvladovanje odpornosti v bolnišnici.