Author/Editor     Silvester, Tomaž; Rjazancev, Boris; Prlja, Andrej; Ješe, Peter
Title     Totalna artroplastika kolka v SB Jesenice od 1985 do 2006 - pregled opravljenega in pogled naprej
Translated title     Total hip arthroplasty in Jesenice general hospital 1985-2006 - what has been done and look forward
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 76, št. 11
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 725-32
Language     slo
Abstract     Background Total arthroplasty is one of the most interesting and fast developing fields in orthopaedic surgery. Practically every joint in the human body is involved, total hip arthroplasties (THA) being most frequent and with the longest history. Information on long-term results and survival of different types of prosthesis is invaluable for both patients and surgeons. Patients and methods Between 1985 and 2006 there were 1563 THAs performed in Jesenice General Hospital. Average age at the time of operation was 67 years, almost two thirds of patients were women. The reason for operation was in 72% idiopathic arthrosis and in 14% sequaele of dysplasia. Results There were 1370 primary procedures and 193 revisions (12.6%). Aseptic loosening of the implant was the most frequent reason for revision (74%) and infection was observed in 1.5%. In the first ten years of this research hybrid type of prosthesis was most frequently used, but nowadays, non-cemented prosthesis is used in majority of cases. Conclusions Total hip arthroplasty is well established procedure at the Jesenice General Hospital. It considerably improves quality of life of the patient, for both, short- and long term, results are very good. New minimal invasive surgical techniques make postoperative rehabilitation faster and easier. The Register of prosthesis enables us to regularly analyze the results and provides treatment outcome information concerning the choice of prosthesis and the optimal surgical technique. Jesenice General Hospital is well recognized as one of the centers for arthroplasties in our country.
Summary     Izhodišča Vstavitev umetnega sklepa (ali totalna artroplastika) je v ortopediji med najbolj zanimivimi in hitro razvijajočimi se področji. Najpogostejše so totalne artroplastike kolka, ki imajo tudi najdaljšo zgodovino. Podatki o dolgoročnih rezultatih postopkov in delovanju ter življenjski dobi posameznih vrst ortopedskih protez so neprecenljivi, tako za bolnike kot tudi za kirurge. Zato je potrebno spremljati rezultate v daljšem obdobju in analizirati dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na uspešnost zdravljenja. Bolniki in metode Od leta 1985 do konca 2006 smo v SB Jesnice naredili 1563 totalnih artroplastik kolka. Povprečna starost operiranih je bila 67 let, skoraj dve tretjini je bilo žensk. Glavna indikacija za operacijo je bila idiopatska artroza, v 72%, posledice displazije sklepa pa v 14%. Rezultati Primarnih operacij je bilo 1370 in revizij 193 (12,6%). Najpogostejši vzrok za revizijski poseg je bilo aseptično omajanje vsadka, v 74%, delež okužb pa je bil 1,5%. Prevladujoči tip proteze je bil do leta 1995 hibridni, v zadnjih desetih letih pa so v veliki večini, v 73%, necementirane proteze. Zaključki Totalna artroplastika kolka je v Splošni bolnišnici Jesenice uveljavljena operacijska metoda zdravljenja, ki znatno izboljša kakovost življenja operiranih. Tako kratkoročni kot dolgoročni rezultati so zelo dobri. Nove minimalno invazivne kirurške tehnike omogočajo hitrejšo in lažjo rehabilitacijo. Register protez v naši bolnišnici nam omogoča redno spremljanje in analizo rezultatov. Splošna bolnišnica Jesenice je prepoznana in priznana kot eden od centrov za endoprotetiko sklepov v Republiki Sloveniji.
Descriptors     HIP PROSTHESIS