Avtor/Urednik     Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina; Regvar, Marjana; Mesjasz-Przybylowicz, Jolanta; Przybylowicy, Wojciech J; Simči, Jure; Pelicon, Primož; Budnar, Miloš
Naslov     Spatial distribution of cadmium in leaves of metal hyperaccumulating Thlaspi praecox using micro-PIXE
Tip     članek
Vir     New Phytol
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 1-10
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Localization of cadmium (Cd) and other elements was studied in the leaves of the field-collected cadmium/zinc (Cd/Zn) hyperaccumulator Thlaspi praecox from an area polluted with heavy metals near a lead mine and smelter in Slovenia, using micro-PIXE (proton-induced X-ray emission). ◆ The samples were prepared using cryofixation. Quantitative elemental maps and average concentrations in whole-leaf cross-sections and selected tissues were obtained. ◆ Cd was preferentially localized in the lower epidermis (820 µg g-1 DW), vascular bundles and upper epidermis, whereas about twice the lower concentrations were found in the mesophyll. ◆ Taking into account the large volume of the mesophyll compared with the epidermis, the mesophyll is indicated as a relatively large pool of Cd, possibly involved in Cd detoxification/dilution at the tissue and cellular level.
Deskriptorji     PLANTS