Author/Editor | Lah, Ida; Pahor, Majda; Hlebec, Valentina | |
Title | Zdravje starejših ljudi kot element kakovosti življenja v Evropi | |
Translated title | Health of older people as a part of quality of life in Europe | |
Type | članek | |
Source | Obz Zdrav Nege | |
Vol. and No. | Letnik 42, št. 2 | |
Publication year | 2008 | |
Volume | str. 87-97 | |
Language | slo | |
Abstract | Introduction: Quality of life is becoming an important socially recognized value. Meeting the needs of the elderly is closely connected with adequate conditions and general welfare systems in different countries. Aging of population, with its specific and diverse needs, is a new challenge to ensure better quality of life. Health of older people, assessed and expressed by objective and subjective indicators, is a significant element of quality of life in general. Methods: Data for 25 EU member states are compared with the secondary analysis of the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) data base. Descriptive statistics is followed by a state level analysis of variance and clustering. Analysis of variance utilizes welfare regimes classification while clustering is based on empirical similarity among states. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between Central and Eastern European and other countries. Among the countries included in the survey, the quality of life of older population concerning health is lowest in the CEE countries. However, Mediterranean countries are similar to CEE countries as far as the access to medical services is concerned. Discussion: Quality of life of older people is a complex concept which can be only partially accounted for by different welfare systems and necessitates further systematic analysis. | |