Avtor/Urednik     Bulc, Mateja; Divjak, Mojca
Naslov     McKenziejeva metoda pri obravnavi bolečine v križu
Prevedeni naslov     McKenzie method at treatment of low back pain
Tip     članek
Vir     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. in št.     Letnik 42, št. 2
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 99-106
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Introduction: The McKenzie method has been known for some time and is an established physiotherapeutic approach for patients with lower back pain. Back pain is a widespread problem, appearing even in young people, and it frequently progresses to chronic stages. Therefore, above all, the aim was to establish whether the McKenzie method is effective in decreasing the intensity of, or even eliminating back pain, as well as what possibilities it offers for quality physiotherapeutic treatment. Methods: An expert literature examination method was undertaken; 44 research projects published from 1988 to 2006 were examined. Results: The McKenzie method is a very popular and frequently applied approach among physiotherapists. It stresses individual treatment, as well as the importance of accurate diagnosis and syndrome classification for further successful treatment. The centralization phenomenon, which is one of the essential characteristics of the method, has great importance in evaluating patients. This frequently noted clinical phenomenon during the mechanical evaluation of patients can predict the outcome of treatment reliably and early, and the risk of developing chronic pain. The response of symptoms to repeated movement is also the main indicator in determining suitable therapy. Discussion and conclusions: The results show that the method is efficient in decreasing or eliminating pain in the short term, as well as increasing the patient's ability to function. The basic principle of the McKenzie method is self-therapy and is of great importance for the Long-term efficiency of the method. Therefore, the patient has considerable responsibility for the ultimate success of the therapy. It has been established that the McKenzie method offers numerous possibilities and provides clear guidelines for the quality treatment of patients with back pain. However, in the long run, it is only prevention which can control such a complex problem as lower back pain.
Deskriptorji     LOW BACK PAIN