Author/Editor     Dajčman, Davorin; Skalicky, Marjan
Title     Pojasnilna dolžnost - prikaz primer
Type     članek
Source     In: Hojs R, Krajnc I, Pahor A, et al, editors. Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 19. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine "Iz prakse za prakso"; 2008 maj 30-31; Maribor. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. 41-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Informed consent in medicine is the process whereby the physician informs the patient about the options for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient's illness. In addition, the risks of the procedure as well as the benefits are described to the patient so that the patient can make a rational decision regarding what patients wants to be done. The treatment decision has to be a partnership decision between the doctor willing and able to carry out the patient willing to undergo the procedure. The point to decision comes when both parties accept their role and responsibilities. To accept responsibility the patient must know what the procedure is, understand the procedure and treatment process, and know the risks involved in the treatment. Informed consent should aim to provide the patient with sufficient information to make decisions; this means providing enough good quality information for the patient to be able to (as far as possible) validate the decision in patients own mind. It is critical that a patient receive enough information on which to base informed consent, and that the consent is wholly voluntary and has not been forced in any way. It is responsibility of the physician who discusses the particulars with the patient to detail the conversation in the medical record. A physician may, at his or her discretion, appoint another member of the health care team to obtain the patient's signature on the consent form, with the assurance that the physician has satisfied the requirements of informed consent. The aim of this article is to present a case which represents the current status of informed consent procedures in a tertiary gastrointestinal endoscopy unit in Maribor Clinical Centre and its influence on the way of treatment.
Summary     Pojasnilna dolžnost v zdravstvu je proces, v katerem zdravnik bolniku opiše diagnostične postopke in način zdravljenja bolnikove bolezni. Zdravnik bolnika seznani s tveganji in koristnostjo vseh načrtovanih postopkov, tako da bolnik lahko aktivno sodeluje pri uveljavljanju svojih želja. Načrt zdravljenja namreč mora sloneti na partnerskem odnosu med zdravnikovo željo po dobronamernosti in bolnikovo željo po zdravljenju. Končna odločitev je lahko sprejeta le v primeru, če obe strani prevzameta svoj delež odgovornosti. Seveda lahko bolnik prevzame svoj delež odgovornosti samo ob ustreznem poznavanju in razumevanju zdravnikovih namer in je seznanjen s tveganji, ki iz njih izhajajo. Pojasnilna dolžnost mora vsebovati dovoljšno mero podatkov, na podlagi katerih se lahko bolnik odloča. To pomeni zadovoljivo količino kakovostnih obrazložitev (kolikor je mogoče), ki omogoča bolniku lastno presojanje načina zdravljenja. Ključnega pomena sta prav zadovoljiva količina podatkov o načinu zdravljenja in bolnikova popolna svoboda pri odločanju brez prekomernega prepričevanja s strani zdravnika. Zdravnikova odgovornost je tudi pisni zaznamek o postopkih izvajanja pojasnilne dolžnosti v bolnikovi zdravstveni dokumentaciji. V postopek pisnega beleženja lahko zdravnik vključi sodelavce, ki z ustreznim vrednotenjem bolnikovega podpisa dodatno zagotavljajo verodostojnost postopka. V članku predstavljava primer, ki ponazarja vlogo pojasnilne dolžnosti v terciarni enoti za gastrointestinalno endoskopijo Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor in njen vpliv na načine zdravljenja.
Descriptors     INFORMED CONSENT