Author/Editor     Valič, Blaž; Jančar, Janez; Gajšek, Peter
Title     EMF monitoring campaign in Slovenian communes
Type     članek
Source     In: Jarm T, Kramar P, Zupanič A, editors. Medicon 2007. IFMBE proceedings from the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological enginering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana. New York: Springer,
Publication year     2007
Volume     str. 234-7
Language     eng
Abstract     To give the Slovenian communes and their inhabitants the possibility to obtain information about electromagnetic fields in their neighborhood, Forum EMS - an independent project aimed to inform general public about electromagnetic fields and their biological effects - started monitoring campaign in 2005. In communes expressed the interest, remote monitoring station was installed for one week. The value of electric field intensity was stored every minute 24 hours a day and. For each location all collected data were evaluated and presented to the interested public as an article in commune bulletin and on internet, where the data for all locations are available. In last two years more than 35 communes participated in this campaign. The monitoring campaign showed that typical electromagnetic field exposure due to GSM base stations in urban area is low. Maximum values reach 2% of reference level for 1.region of Slovenian legislation, which is 0.2 % of ICNIRP reference level for general public. Due to the vicinity of radio and TV broadcasting tower in one case, instead of GSM probe, wide band probe was used. In this case, measured electric field was 40 % of reference level for 1.region of Slovenian legislation (4 % of ICNIRP reference level for general public).