Author/Editor     Rodeš, Božena
Title     Stresna urinska inkontinenca pri medicinskih sestrah glede na dejavnike tveganja v našem poklicu
Translated title     Stress urine incontinence among medical nurses in relation to occupational risk factors
Type     članek
Source     In: Takač I, editor. 80 let hospitalne ginekologije in porodništva v Mariboru: mednarodni znanstveni simpozij, Univerzitetni klinični center Maribor, Maribor, 17. 10. 2008. Maribor: Univerzitetni klinični center,
Publication year     2008
Volume     str. 691-706
Language     slo
Abstract     Urine incontinence (UI) is a widespread problem and one of the most common female medical problems. The purpose of the study was to find whether the risk factors of our occupation influence UI occurrence. The study included 200 nurses from various departments of the University Medical Center Maribor, divided in three age groups: 20 - 30 yrs, 31 - 45, and 46 - 60 yrs, who have either secondary or higher education or a university degree. The following methods were used: review of the literature, questionnaire (closed type, 18 questions divided in four groups: the first contains age and education profile, number of births and life habits; the second contains information on urinary complaints; the third reveals urinary complaints and nurses' response to the problem). Statistical processing of data was done by Microsoft Excel software and the results were presented in graph form. The results show, that 59 of the 200 nurses (29.5%) included in the study have urinary problems, and 141 nurses (70.5%) have none. They also show that the risk factors of the nursing profession such as age, educational profile, number of births, living habits, quantity of liquid absorbed during a working day, type of work, hard physical activity and the time spent performing it, availability of equipment for lifting and handling of heavy loads, and the condition of pelvic muscles are connected with the difficulty to hold back urine. Age is a risk factor since UI tends to increase as nurses get older. Most nurses with UI have secondary school education. The number of births and the labor process are twomajor reasons for UI as half of the nurses with UI gave birth twice. Other contributing factors are quality of life, good and bad habits of life. Only one-fifth of included subjects with UI have daily recreational activities, half of them are overweight and half of them drink less than half a liter of liquid during their working day. Hard physical work is done by 49. (Abs. trunc. at 2000 ch.)
Summary     Medicinske sestre se pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege dnevno srečujemo z dejavniki tveganja za nastanek urinske inkontinence. Namen raziskave je predvsem ugotoviti ali dejavniki tveganja v našem poklicu vplivajo na pojavnost urinske inkontinence. Anketiranje je potekalo med 200 medicinskimi sestrami s srednjo, višjo, visoko strokovno in fakultetno izobrazbo na različnih oddelkih Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor v treh starostnih skupinah in sicer od 20-30 let, od 31-45 let in od 46-60 let. Pri izvedbi raziskave smo uporabili naslednje metode dela: vprašalnik zaprtega tipa z 18 vprašanji, razdeljenimi v štiri skupine: o starosti in izobrazbeni strukturi, o številu porodov ter o življenjskih navadah anketirank; o dejavnikih tveganja v našem poklicu: o vprašanjih za odkrivanje motenj uriniranja in o vprašanjih, kako so medicinske sestre reševale problem. Odgovore sem statistično obdelala z računalniškim programom Microsoft Excel in jih grafično prikazala z razvrstilnimi stolpčnimi grafikoni in naloženimi paličnimi grafikoni. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo, da med 200 anketiranimi medicinskimi sestrami urin uhaja 59 (29,5 %) vprašanim medicinskim sestram, ne uhaja pa 141 (70,5 %) anketiranim medicinskim sestram. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so dejavniki tveganja v našem poklicu, kot so starost, izobrazbena struktura, število porodov, življenjske navade in razvade, količina dnevno popite tekočine v službi, oblike dela, opravljanje težje fizične aktivnosti, čas opravljanja težjih fizičnih aktivnosti v delovnem procesu, razpoložljivosti delovnih pripomočkov pri dvigovanju težjih bremen v službi in slabost mišic medeničnega dna povezani z uhajanjem urina pri anketiranih medicinskih sestrah. V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je starost dejavnik tveganja, in da urinska inkontinenca s starostjo narašča. Med izvajalkami zdravstvene nege, ki imajo težave z uhajanjem urina, je največ tistih s srednjo stopnjo izobrazbe. (Izvl. skrajšan na 2000 zn.)