Avtor/Urednik     Kirbiš, Natalija; Lubi, Tamara; Kaučič, Boris Miha
Naslov     Vseživljensko izobraževanje - izziv ali breme za medicinske sestre v Zdravstvenem domu dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor?
Prevedeni naslov     Lifelong training/education - challenge or burdenon the nurses un the Helth centre dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor?
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Skela-Savič B, Kaučič BM, Ramšak-Pajk J, editors. Proceedings of lectures with peer review of the 1st international scientific conference Theory, research and practice - the three pilars of contemporary nursing care; 2008 Sep 25-26; Bled. Jesenice: College of nursing,
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 299-308
Jezik     slo