Avtor/Urednik     Gattorno, M; Frenkel, J; Ozren, S; De Benedetti, F; Kone-Paut, I; Neven, N; Girschick, H; Oezdogan, H; Wouters, C; Toplak, N
Naslov     Prevalence of monogenic autoinflammatory diseases among pediatric rheumatology centers: the Eurofever PRes/PRINTO survey
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Final programme and abstract book of the 15th paediatric rheumatology European society congress; 2008 Sep 14-17; London. London: British society for paediatric and adolescent rheumatology,
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 128-9
Jezik     eng