Avtor/Urednik     Krebs, Bojan; Hazabent, Marko; Koželj, Miran; Potrč, Stojan
Naslov     Lokalni recidiv po resekcijah zaradi raka danke na Oddelku za abdominalno kirurgijo UKC Maribor v 10-letnem obdobju
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Potrč S, editor. Razsejani rak debelega črevesa in danke: [standardi in novosti]. 1. Mariborski onkološki dan; 2008 nov 21; Maribor. Maribor: Oddelek za abdomininalno in splošno kirurgijo, Kirurška klinika, UKC,
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 106-19
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Background. Rectal cancer represents important factor of morbidity and mortality in developed countries. Although incidence of local recurrence after curative resection of rectal cancer diminishes is still notable fact which after several studies affects up to 30 percent of patients. Methods. We checked and processed data of 628 patients which were operated between 1. 1. 1996 and 31. 12. 2005 for rectal cancer in our institution. We were interested in local recurrence rate, time and method of local recurrence discovery, influence of some basic prognostic factors and methods of treatment. Results. 406 patient with rectal cancer resection were eligible forour research. The most frequent operations were low anterior resection and abdominoperineal excison. Local recurrence rate was 9 percent, which was comparable with other studies. Most patients with local recurrence were reoperated and there were different resection techniques applied, most with curative attempt. Conclusions. The goals of local recurrence surgery are palliation of symptoms, a good quality of life and RO resection if possible, with lowest complication rate. Because about 80 - 90 percent of local recurrences occur inside three years after surgery, it could be reasonable to follow patients in this period more intensively.
Izvleček     Izhodišča. Rak danke predstavlja pomemben dejavnik obolevnosti in smrtnosti v razvitih državah. Kljub temu, da se delež lokalnega recidiva zmanjšuje, po raznih raziskavah še vedno prizadene tudi več kot 30 odstotkov bolnikov po kurativnih resekcijah. Metode. Pregledali in obdelali smo podatke 628 bolnikov, ki so bili pri nas operirani med 1996 in 2005 zaradi raka danke. Zanimala nas je pogostnost lokalnega recidiva, čas in način odkritja, vpliv določenih dejavnikov na pojav LR ter načini operativnega zdravljenja.
Deskriptorji     RECTAL NEOPLASMS