Author/Editor     Kralj, J
Title     Povprečni volumen in število trombocitov pri zdravih osebah
Translated title     The platelet volume and count in normal subject
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 62, št. 9
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 389-91
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Platelet volume measurements have long been of interest to researchers concerned with platelet production. However, the wide range of normal values has limited their usefulness as a clinical tool to specific disorders. On the other hand, the inverse correlaton between platelet count and mean platelet volumes in humans is well documented and suggests that plateletcrit or some combinations of platelet count and size is the actual homeostatically maintained parameter. Methods. The platelet count mean platelet volumes plateletcrit and platelet distribution width were determined in whole blood of 82 healthy blood donors. The measurements were preformed on EDTA-blood one two, and four hours after venepuncture with platelet counter Ariane (ABX). The interval between venipuncture and analysis on platelet indices were evaluated. Results. Platelet count showed a statistically significant drop after 4 h standing at room temperature as compared with the 1 h counts. Four hours after venepunction, mean platelet volumes was significantly higher than one hour after. Plateletcrit and platelet distribution width were stable in the EDTA samples after four hours standing at room temperature. In all normal subjects a negative correlation between platelet count and mean platelet volumes has been found: the higher the platelet count the lower the mean platelet volumes. The volume distribution was log-normal. Conclusions. Our results indicate that the measurements should be carried out one hour after blood sampling. For each platelet the peripheral blood smear for cell fragments. counter standard working conditions and range of normal values of all parameters studied should be determined. Our study suggests that mean platelet volumes has no single range of normal, but instead must be evaluated in the context of platelet count. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Descriptors     BLOOD PLATELETS