Avtor/Urednik     Sedmak, Bojan
Naslov     Cianobakterije kot producenti protimikrobnih snovi - ciklični cianopeptidi
Prevedeni naslov     Cyanobacteria as producers of antibacterial substances - cyclic cyanopeptides
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Raspor P, Petković H, editors. Protimikrobne snovi. Posvetovanje Pomen biotehnologije in mikrobiologije za prihodnost; 2009 jan 29-30; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za živilstvo,
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 131-44
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Cyanobacteria are globally important primary producers that may alter components of their habitats, such as densities of competitors or predators or the availability of critical nutrients, by synthesizing natural products. Toxic as well as non-toxic cyanobacterial blooms are a rich source of metabolites possessing a variety of biological activities. They are ready available because of their fast growth and the ability to form almost monospecific aggregations. Cyclic cyanopeptides, both hepatotoxic and non-hepatotoxic, are the best known and most abundant structural type among the biologically active substances produced in cyanobacteria. Most studies into cyanopeptides have been concentrated mainly on their effects on mammals and health related repercussions and little work has been done on their effects on microorganisms. Here we survey the morphological and physiological effects and biological activities of some frequently synthesized representatives of hepatotoxic and two other groups of non-hepatotoxic cyclic cyanopeptides on microorganisms in vitro and in natural environment. These are the microcystins-hepatotoxic cyclic cyanopeptides, the Ahp containing cyclic depsipeptides as planktopeptin and the anabaenopeptins-cyclic peptides possessing the ureido linkage. It is intended that the present work will contribute to an understanding of cianopeptide biological activities, thereby to assess their potential application.