Avtor/Urednik     Avčin, S; Jazbec, J; Jančar, J
Naslov     Subcutaneous nodule after vaccination with an aluminum-containing vaccine
Tip     članek
Vir     Acta Dermatovenerol Alp Pannon Adriat
Vol. in št.     Letnik 17, št. 4
Leto izdaje     2008
Obseg     str. 182-4
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     Persistent subcutaneous nodules may arise after vaccination or allergen desensitization. The swelling might appear as a result of a specific histiocytic reaction to aluminum, which is used in many preparations to hasten immune response. A wide range of such vaccines are used in national childhood vaccination programs. Such nodules are frequently itchy or painful with local skin alterations. The condition tends to resolve spontaneously, although long-term observation is recommended. We describe the clinical history of a 10-year-old girl who presented with an itchy subcutaneous nodule that appeared five months after her second DiTe revaccination.