Author/Editor     Tekavčič-Grad, O
Title     Samomor, samomorilni poskus in možnosti za nujno preprečevanje v Sloveniji
Translated title     Suicide, suicide attempt and possibilities for their prevention in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 1,2,3
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 47-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The following article tries to explain the basic truths on suicide and parasuicide and the possibilities for their prevention in general and for Slovenia in particular: Suicide is a totaly idiosyncratic act on one hand and on the other it is a social phenomenon with several common characteristics. There are ten of them listed. Slovenia is the unfortunate number one in Europe in the incidence of suicide. The author tries to find the possible explanations why, in spite of all the preventive measures that are available in the society, the suicide rate does nor decline.
Descriptors     SUICIDE