Author/Editor     Kreft, Samo; Kreft, Marko
Title     Quantification of dichromatism: a characteristic of color in transparent materials
Type     članek
Source     J Opt Soc Am A
Vol. and No.     Letnik 26, št. 7
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 1576-51
Language     eng
Abstract     The color of a material, such as solution of a dye, can change by changing parameters like pH, temperature, illumination direction, and illumination type. Dichromatism-a color change due to the difference in thickness of the material-has long been known as a property of only a few materials. Here we show that dichromatism is a common property of many substances and materials, and we introduce a method for its quantification. We defined dichromaticity index (DI) as the difference in hue angle (!1h"bl between the color of the sample at the dilution, where the chroma is maximal, and the color of four times more diluted (or thinnerl and four times more concentrated (or thickerl sample. The two hue angle differences are called dichromaticity index toward lighter (DIJ and dichromaticity index toward darker (Dlnl, respectively. High dichromaticity was found for materials that were previously known as dichromatic (pumpkin oil, bromophenol).
Descriptors     COLOR