Author/Editor     Pihlar, Zdenka
Title     Znanost v delovni terapiji - naložba v razvoj
Translated title     Occupational science in occupational therapy - investment in development
Type     članek
Source     Rehabilitacija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2009
Volume     str. 48-52
Language     slo
Abstract     In her article, the author reflects upon the development of occupational therapy in the following decade. Occupational science in occupational therapy has become the basis for the development of occupational therapy in Slovenia. It is directed towards understanding human beings as "occupational beings", the analysis of intentional and meaningful activity, the impact of occupation on an individual's satisfaction and quality of life and the relationship between the performance of an occupation and the individual's health. Galen's thought that work is a person's best doctor is the essential component of the development in the field of occupational therapy. In Slovenia, like elsewhere,life expectancy has risen drastically. The central question in our society has become the quality and not the quantity of life. Knowledge of the culture and values of our population will become the field of academic development of occupational therapy. In its development, occupational therapy shall move away from the purely medical model into a bio-psycho-social model; holistic approach to treatment shall be the only acceptable approach; occupational therapy shall become an independent evidence-based practice aimed at promoting health, enabling the participation of individuals at all the levels of human activity as well as active decision making, participation in the selection of appropriate treatment methods and co-responsibility for reaching the desired effects of treatment.