Avtor/Urednik     Cikajlo, Imre; Matjačić, Zlatko
Naslov     Virtual reality tasks to enhance the therapeutic options of the single-joint rehabilitation robot
Tip     članek
Vir     In: ICORR 2009. 11th International conference on rehabilitation robotics; 2009 June 23-26; Kyoto. [S. l.]: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 966-71
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The paper presents an introduction of virtual reality environments to the commercial single-joint rehabilitation robot. A dynamometer has been modified to the level that enables gait goniogram based position control. The robot mimics the isolated joint movement while the subject is required to perform the task in the virtual environment. The subject generates joint torque to control the object in the virtual environment. Three types of virtual reality tasks were tested in 10 neurologically intact volunteers and one cerebral palsy child. The outcomes indicate that a day-to-day training with virtual reality tasks may increase the subjects' task performance and consequently influence on selective motor control improvement also in neurologically impaired individuals. The present tasks offer modifications, control options and can assure repeatability of the rehabilitation training and therefore increase the therapeutic options of the existing rehabilitation devices.