Avtor/Urednik     Cikajlo, Imre; Rudolf, Marko; Goljar, Nika; Matjačić, Zlatko
Naslov     Virtual reality task for telerehabilitation dynamic balance training in stroke subjects
Tip     članek
Vir     In: International conference Virtual rehabilitation; 2009 Jun 29-Jul 2; Haifa. New York: IEEE,
Leto izdaje     2009
Obseg     str. 121-5
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     The paper presents a virtual reality based dynamic balance training. The telerehabilitation balance training in stroke subject took place in smarthome, simulating a home environment. Virtual environment was designed as a game in web-explorer enabling the medical professionals to remotely supervise and control the balance training. In preliminary testing a right-side hemiparetic subject participated and demonstrated high motivation, high level of learning and accomplished the therapy with promising clinical outcomes. The subject performed the therapy five times a week, each time for 17 to 20 minutes for four weeks. The results were evaluated by objective game parameter as track time, number of hits and clinical instruments Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up&Go and 10m Walk tests. The outcomes indicate similar progress to those obtained in the clinical environment.