Avtor/Urednik     Rus-Makovec, Maja; Gorše Goli, Anka; Rus, Velko S.; Kosovel, Mateja
Naslov     Relation between financial status, some values and well being by the members of the clubs of ex-alcoholics: attempt of behavioral economic approach
Tip     članek
Vir     In: Polič M, Bajec B, Komidar L, editors. Values and economy: proceedings of the 32nd IAREP Conference; 2007; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta,
Leto izdaje     2007
Obseg     str. 611-6
Jezik     eng
Abstrakt     General purpose of the research was a/ to analyze the relation between (perceived) financial status, value - orientation and particular indicators of the well being and life style and b/ to compare mentioned relations between two periods (1997 vs. 2005). We expected significant relations between perceived financial status and variables, expressing life style, health and personal well being. Our expectations were based on behavioral economics access, that salient issues are individuals involvement in activities, connected also with financial status, protecting them from exposure and opportunities to alcohol consume and motivating them for healthier life style. The following samples from clubs of ex - alcoholics were collected in 1997 and 2005: a/ 1997: n = 127, mean age = 44.39, 66 percent of males and 34 percent of females; b/ 2005: n = 86, mean age = 50.40, 72 "percent" of males and 28 of females. Evaluation of own family climate, perception of own needs' satisfaction, climate in the clubs of ex - alcoholics, engagement for life goals, suicide evaluation, psychological and somatic health (self - evaluations) were chosen as particular indicators of well - being. Schwartz value list was additionally applied. Internal validity of all semantic differentials is relatively high (all Cronbach alpha mostly > 0.85). Significant correlation appeared between particular values and perceived financial status. In the year 1997, significant correlation between a/ evaluation of own financial status and b/ most of other life style and well being variables were found. In the year 2005, relatively high correlation were non - significant, but due to high number of missing values. -- Results of discriminate analysis for the year 1997, so as for the year 2005, showed to perceived needs' satisfaction and family climate as independents, mostly contributing to the discrimination between three categories of financial status (low/ medium/ high).