Author/Editor     Ščuka, R
Title     Statistična analiza povezave prvih izolacij salmonel (človek - perutnina - krmila) v Sloveniji v obdobju 1979-1988
Translated title     Statistical analysis of the connection of primary isolations of Salmonellae (man- poultry - feedstuffs) in Slovenia in the period 1979-1988
Type     članek
Source     Zb Vet Fak Univ Ljublj
Vol. and No.     Letnik 30, št. 2
Publication year     1993
Volume     str. 159-68
Language     slo
Abstract     The connection of primary isolations of serovars of unadapted salmonellae between poultry, feedstuffs and man was statistically analysed for the period 1979-1988. In a ten-year period from humans 31067 strains were isolated and classified into 122 different serovars. In the same period from chicken meat 936 strains of 44 serovars and from feedstuffs 539 strains of 67 serovars were isolated. Twenty-six identical serovars were identified in humans, feedstuffs and chicken. Seventeen identical serovars were found in humans and feedstuffs and six identical serovars in humans and chicken and in chicken and feedstuffs. Seventy-three serovars were isolated from humans only, eighteen from feedstuffs only and six from chicken only. Considering all 152 serovars, correlations are very different between the different sources of isolation. The highest is between poultry and feedstuffs (r = 0.63), the lowest between humans and feedstuffs (r = 0.27), while the correlation between humans and poultry is r = 0.43. In the next computations of rank correlations only serovars found in both sources were considered. These correlation coefficients are essentially equal (0.57, 0.56 and 0.54) and not considerably high, and, therefore do not support the general opinion of transmission of salmonellae from feedstuffs to man.
Descriptors     SALMONELLA